Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I Am John Galt

John Galt -- Alive and well and working with the TEA Party

Washington, DC, March 20, 2010: Several "Who is John Galt?" signs bobbed provocatively above a jagged horizon of homemade signs. I edged my way through thousands chanting, "Kill the Bill," wondering how may in this immense crowd knew who John Galt was?
Face to face with Mr. Galt...
Suddenly, several individuals ahead of me moved apart. And there he was... a tall man, feet firmly planted on the hillside. The sign he held announced boldly, "I Am John Galt."
I couldn't resist. The words just popped out.. "I've been waiting to meet you all my life!"

He didn't seem surprised. How very Galt-like...

What do we know about John Galt...
Novelist Ayn Rand painted John Galt, her hero in Atlas Shrugged with a loose brush -- "A tall body in simple garments ... The sole suggestion of luxury was the color of his hair, the strands stirring in the wind like liquid gold and copper."

Readers mostly come to know Galt through the power of his mind -- his passionate speeches against the collectivists determined to crush private initiative. As for her hero's appearance, Rand left much to her readers' imagination.
Strange coincidences ...
This John Galt looked as I'd imagined he might. He had the hero's coppery hair and hazel eyes that looked directly at you. He stood erect and projected confidence.

We easily slipped into a conversation about the Russian-born Rand's respect for the laissez-fair capitalism that built America. Were she still alive, we opined, she'd be sickened that some of the disturbing events she described in Atlas Shrugged are happening today.

John Galt is a shadowy figure for much of Rand's novel. Suspence builds as "Who Is John Galt?" signs sprout up everywhere in the crumbling society. Meanwhile, leading inventors and industrialists continue to vanish. We suspect Galt has something to do with it. When we finally meet Galt, the force of his philosophy and character also magnetizes us. We understand why those who disappeared opted out of a socialistic society that has drained their gifts and efforts and given the fruits of their labors to non producers.
A profession shared ...
I turns out that this DC Galt, whose real name is Curt Lilly, is also an engineer, as was the fictional Galt. A Virginia resident and member of the Shenandoah Valley TEA Party Patriots, he's made four trips to DC since April 2009 to protest big government's encroachment on our rights.
The making of a modern day Galt ...
Curt grew up in southern California. When his dad, a bread deliveryman, was age 44, he bought a locksmith's van and all the works. Father and son learned the business together, through books, classes and, sometimes, winging it. His dad picked him up after school and they would go out on jobs. Within a couple of years, his father had created a security system business that was worth over a million dollars.

"We lived the American dream," Curt stresses. "My dad was industrious. As a kid, he had three paper routes. In his business, he did what he always had. He worked hard, was fair and communicated well. Growing up in this business, I learned the value of a strong work ethic."
Bailout set off alarm ...
George Bush's bailout of the financial companies shocked Curt Lilly into taking a stand. As an engineering student at the University of California and later in life, he had never demonstrated about anything. But after Congress set in motion the second wave of bailouts, this 45-year-old professional showed up for two tax day TEA Party rallies.
Whom he met at the TEA Party ...
"TEA Party patriots are a group of everyday Americans who feel that the Constitution has been trampled and that the time to stop the trampling is NOW. We want a smaller government that gets out of the way of people living."
What motivated him to join the movement ...
"I finally see that these people [those now in power] are serious about taking liberties and redistributing our wealth. Taking someone's wealth and redistributing it to others sucks the desire to succeed right out of that productive individual.

" I want my children to have a shot at the liberties and opportunity to earn wealth that I have had. I hope that our generation will be remembered as the one that beat back the socialists and extremists to preserve our nation."
What he hopes his activism will accomplish ...
"The TEA Party, a large group of Americans standing up for all Americans, is trying to turn the tide. We will continue fighting to overturn the current unconstitutional healthcare legislation that was forced upon us. And we will push for a smaller government that stands up for our rights -- not one that takes them away.

"We're showing the general public how important it is to be informed, educated and involved. Personal liberty and private property are absolutely essential for the American way of life to continue. Hopefully, more patriots will join us in the fight against the power hungry career politicians who are stealing our liberty and property. My greatest fear is that not enough Americans have the stomach to turn things around."
How can the will of the people prevail?
"We must educate everyone about our history -- not the politically correct version. We must get them to see that more of them have to get involved. If we are to win the fight, more of us need to:
  • Demonstrate
  • Attend meetings and rallies
  • Meet with elected representatives and their staffs
  • Engage people in conversations
  • Display bumper stickers
  • Volunteer to help with political races
  • Help organize TEA Party events
  • Start a website or blog
  • Help turn out the vote

Above all, stand up for the Constitution ...

"Avoiding the enemy had led to the fact that we do not now have a voice in education and the media. Conservatives must re-engage, choosing careers in education, the media and politics.

"We have been comfortable too long. Granted, we have been busy raising families and working long hours... But we have failed to protect the Constitution which makes everything possible."

Stand up for America ...

Instead of dropping out and waiting for society to crumble so that we can rebuild like the mythological Phoenix rising from the ashes, this real life John Galt is asking his fellow citizens to stand up for America NOW.

"I don't think we are at the point where thinking and motivated citizens need to run to the mountains, as they did in Atlas Shrugged. We can still take our country back, " Curt concludes. "But it will take incredible work and sacrifice."

Saturday, March 27, 2010

"Perhaps you are shocked..." Former senator gives heart to We the People

This letter from former N.H. senator Gordon Humphrey rings with truth!

Dear Friend,

Thank you for your principled opposition to the outrageous government take-over of our nation's entire health care system

You won.

You won the fight for the hearts and minds of the American people. But Congress cheated you of victory.

You won by fair methods -- logic and persuasion. But Congress cheated you of victory by shamelessness -- including bribery and lying.

So corrupted by power are the President, the Speaker and the Majority Leader, they determined to force the bill through Congress by any foul means and the American people be damned. They are determined to ram it down our throats, whether we like it or not.

What can we call a government that holds public opinion in utter contempt?

Unprincipled? Lawless? Immoral? Corrupt? Arrogant? Thuggish? Yes, these are the right words for Chicago-style gangsters in the Executive and the Congress. The right words, damning words, but not damning enough.

There is only one word damning enough to describe government that regards itself as master and the people mere servants.

That word is tyranny.

The President, Reid and Pelosi are tyrants. This is tyranny. They are tyrants.

Perhaps you are shocked that a former United States senator should speak out in this manner. I am shocked that it should be necessary. But this is a dangerous time, our freedoms are under powerful assault, and at such a time we must call things by their real names. Liars. Lying. Tyrants. Tyranny.

The Declaration of Independence establishes that "governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed."

We did not consent. The American people did not consent. In town meeting, after town meeting, we registered protest. In tidal waves of communications with Congress, we expressed opposition. Voters even used recent special elections to rebuke the President, as when the people of Massachusetts elected Scott Brown, whose principal plank was opposition to Obamacare. The polls show more Americans opposed than in support.

Did the President listen? No. Did Reid and Pelosi listen? No. Did they back off and present a set of reforms worthy of the American people and their love of freedom? No. Drunk with power, they contemptuously dismissed our concerns and crudely forced their will on the American people, treading with muddy boots upon our freedom.

Government that forces its will on the people because it cannot obtain their consent is tyranny. That was our complaint against King George. This is our complaint against King Barak and his royal agents in the White House and Congress.

The struggle has only begun.

In every lawful way, seize every opportunity to confront agents of the Obama Administration who set foot in New Hampshire between now and November. Likewise, persistently confront those members of Congress who voted for passage, wherever they appear publicly in our state. Vocally express your anger and indignation. Demand they vote for repeal. Demonstrate, picket, chant. Show them the contempt Congress so richly deserves.

We are not required to be respectful of those who tread upon our freedom. To be polite, deferential, submissive, supine, is to be unworthy of our heritage. Unworthy of the pain and sacrifce of all who struggled to win our freedom from tyranny-- and all those who guarded that precious birthright down through these many generations, in war and peace, through good times and bad.

Political turmoil in New Hampshire is widely reported. Let us use this prominence to maximum advantage. Unrest and protest here will put on notice every member of Congress from coast to coast. Repeal Obamacare or we'll repeal you in November. Tread on us and we'll tread on you.

This assault on our freedom cannot stand. The time has come for Americans to not only push back, but to shove back.

Sincerely yours,
Gordon Humphrey

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

About Self Reliance

I see your hand, stretched out
I expected to find it
And that is why
I must ignore it.

age 17

Front Line Poorly Prepared for Engaged Citizens

Washington, D.C., March 16 & 21: I accompanied fellow TEA Party patriots from New Hampshire and other concerned citizens from across the nation into congressional offices to state our objections to the unpopular health care "reform" bill. Largely, those who greeted us were young, inexperienced and poorly prepared aides.

Blissfully Unaware of A Terrible Blunder

As someone who once held a public relations post I was stunned by the poor preparation displayed by many of these aides. The only explanation that I could come up with may be the fact that our politicians have never faced an American public this engaged in the political process. They are still responding as if we are asleep and have little interest in how they twist the Constitution to serve special interests that increasingly appear far afield from the interests of the average citizen in a free republic.

This inept front line is a major public relations blunder. To give two examples... In the office of N.H. Representative Carol Shea-Porter, a N.H. resident cited the U.S. postal service as an example of inefficient big government. A young aide told her that the postal service is not government operated! Our patriot told him that her father had worked for the postal service and that she knew a thing or two about it. The government can organize the postal service as its own profit center, but it is still a government entity.

Shaky Under Intense Questioning

In another office of a "swing vote" Democrat, the young aide seemed nervous and ill suited for front line work. He told a N.H. resident that he had been told not to answer questions about the representative's stand. When pressed further, he blurted out, "I don't come into your place of work and ask questions about how you do your job?" Our citizen shot back, "I work in the private sector. You work for US!"

In One Ear and Out the Other???

In several other cases, seemingly bored young aides impassively listened to our views, but did not take notes or give any indication that they were considering our points. We were left feeling that our input went in one ear and out the other.

We reached N.H. Senator Jeanne Shaheen's office just as they were about to leave for the day. To her credit, she took the time to meet with us outside in the hall for 15 min. She did answer one citizen's question, "Does Senator Shaheen think health care is a right?" in the affirmative. We disagreed with this viewpoint. But, again, there was no note taking and we were left wondering if any of our points would reach the senator's ears.

A Credit to the Process

The one place where we the citizens were accorded professional treatment I mentioned in the blog posting TEA Party Patriots Hit Congressional Offices. There, we were greeted by a mature, well informed legislative aide, a credit to Minnesota, who took us into a conference room and attentively listened to our views. One can only hope that other citizens had at least one such positive experience. If not, they would have come away from D.C. with the sense that representative government is not working AT ALL.

New Day Dawning with American Voter

There is a major shift going on with American citizens. Increasingly, they are engaged, informed and demanding that politicians hear their concerns and act to represent we the people and not special interests or power groups. Those representatives and senators who do not take the time to train and inform the young people staffing their front lines are making a huge mistake.

In one office, another "swing state" representative, we protested the unconstitutional use of the "Slaughter Solution" then being considered to circumvent proper legislative procedures. The young aide did not know what it was!! Such poor preparation of front line staff does not instill confidence in elected representatives.

Heed the Game Change

There has been a game change. We the people will be coming to your state and federal offices more and more. Wake up, politicians, before you lose all credibility with your constituents.

Monday, March 22, 2010

In Depth Media Coverage? Hardly...

Washington, DC, Sat., March 20,2010: Thousands of grass roots patriots (perhaps as many as 50,000 strong) stood outside Congress shouting "Kill the Bill,"and "Start Over."We were Independents, Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, but above all, Americans. Many of us have been largely apolitical until now.

As the day wore on and we received reports of this representative and that one caving in -- backing off from their commitment to represent the will of we the people and the Constitution,
our shouts changed to "Shame on You," :Traitors"and "Flip the House." Wave after wave, our shouts roared over the warm still day.

Where Were the Watchdogs of Liberty?

Was the national press out there mingling with us, asking us questions, finding out who we are and why we had gathered? Sad to say, they were not a major presence. Were tv cameras rolling and recording the Maryland dad with two pre-teenage sons exercising their First Amendment rights? I saw no camera crew zooming in on the woman holding up the sign that read ,"Thank God I got cancer LAST year."

Press coverage was very limited. Thus, a disasterous health care "reform"bill passed the House and tv viewers across America have no idea that thousands of patriot citizens bellowed their opposition to a major assault on individual liberties. In general, the mainstream media deprived Americans of the knowledge that we are not all lemmings blissfully following incompetent leaders to the cliff's edge.

Focusing Like a Laser Beam on the Negative

To add insult to injury, the reports that did come out mentioned "racial slurs"and alleged that things "got ugly." I left Washington Saturday evening before these incidents were alleged to have happened. But I can tell you that in that vast crowd there on Saturday, I saw nothing of that nature going on. And I was all over the place, interviewing patriots from all walks of life.

I was also inside congressional offices both Tuesday and Saturday and saw only concerned citizens articulating reasons why they believe this bill is destructive. True, passion rings in our voices at times, but we are fighting to keep our children and theirs from more and more choking big government. The prospect of free enterprise being snuffed out has to boil the blood of any student of history and lover of free choice. To paraphrase the words on the sign of one demonstrating patriot:
"We will not lick the hand that wants to feed us."

The Fourth Estate Is Dead

Americans, do not rely on mainstream media. Largely, they have failed us. When over one million TEA Party and other grassroots patriots gather to demonstrate in Washington (Sept. 12, 2009) and it isn't considered newsworthy by the media, that is a sign of a missing pulse. It was a British paper that reported that the size of the crowd that day "shocked"the White House. Apparently, the shock wave didn't register with our own media.

Become Your Own Investigative Reporter

Scan You Tube for personal videos and photos of protest events. Check blogs. Search out your news and make up your own mind. Don't let the biased mainstream media choose for you what is or isn't news. Don't let them focus on negative allegations and distort the positives of the big picture. Stay alert and they will no longer be able to downplay the significance of major events. Above all, fight, with every fiber of your being, any attempt for the government to control the Internet.

"Save Our House --Not the White House"Signs of We the People at 3-20 Kill the Bill Rally

Signs seen at the March 20 protest rally in Washington, D.C:

Never has so much been taken from so few to accomplish so little.

Obama, you bit off more community than you can organize.

Don't worry ... hearing will be restored on election day 2010.

A government of laws and not of men.

Nancy, I deem my taxes paid.

Big government -- BIG mistake

We're not going away. You can't hide. Kill the Bill.

The difference between Obama and Osama is a little BS.

Don't slaughter me with Obamacare. I'm an endangered species. I pay my taxes.

My vote is not for sale.

Dear Congress. You think you are making history. We know you'll be history on Nov. 2, 2010.

Follow the rules. Just say NO.

"Astroturf" will overtake Washington weeds.

Where is our bribe?

Corrupt Due Process...JAIL.

Bye, Bye Miss American Pie ...Hello Socialism

Mr. Obama, tear down this bill.

Obama, take your flight and don't come back. We'll manage...

I want to be a doctor but not for the government.

Red, white and blue...Not SEIU

We ARE Listening. We still don't like it!

We don't want a nanny state.

Socialism is not an American value

Man is not free unless government is limited.

Russia called. They want their socialism back.

Slaughter is martial law.

Health care brought to you by the folks whorun DVM.

Believe in American greatness, not European socialism.

Don't smile and lie to us. Just kill the bill.

Big government -- BIG mistake.

The death tax is the same as graverobbing.

Congress, this is your last chance to do the right thing.

I was born in the USA, not the USSR.

Pelosi and Botox --Lying with a straight face.

If Obama screws up healthcare, where will Canadians go?

Never in US history, have so few taken so much and has so little cost so much.

3000% less government in all "57"states.

Communism failed, you morons.

Wake up, Congress. Revolution is brewing....

Citizen tsunami set to clean out Washington in 2010.

We need a leader, not a dictator.

Freedom is the best medicine.

Spend us out of bankruptcy?!! We've got to stop those Bozos.

I was blind, but now I see.

Kill Obamacare -- not Grandma.

Take force out of healthcare.

When government expands, liberty contracts. Back off creeps.

Got tar ... need feathers.

Give me liberty or give me debt.

Read our lips. Kill the bill.

Ask Maine about Dirigo Health?

Kill the bill. Send them packin.

Obamacare...Doctors can be penalized for referring to specialists.

I'm 14 and I can't afford the checks you're writing.

Save our house -- not the White House.

Kill the bill. Stop spending.

How many congressmen does it take to destroy the USA? A simple majority.

Don't be a Pelosi puppet. Speak for yourself.

Vote your conscience -- Not your caucus.

If you don't like the Constitution, find another country.

It's the process, stupid.

You work for us -- not Nancy.

"The strength of the Constitution lies in the will of the people to defend it."
-- Thomas Jefferson

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Join Us Young America

The escalator was moving...I was rushing to reach it...And there they were, four teenage girls huddled together with quizzical expressions. "What does your sign say?" one asked. I tilted it toward her so she could read, "We Don't Want to Be Europeans. Keep the Nanny State in the OLD WORLD."

"Are you a nanny?" asked one.

"No, I'm a mom fighting for my son's world and yours," I responded. "We're here with other TEA Party patriots fighting big government's attempts to rule our lives so that you won't have to toil at a joyless existence of debt servitude. And you should join us. Your world is at stake."

"If I lived here, I would help you," a small voice piped up. She was slender with a heart-shaped face emerging from a thicket of black hair.

I felt as if she had just given me an energy transfusion. "Where do you live?" I asked.

"Mexico," she responded.

"Thank you, honey. But you have great battles as well. Good luck."

My friends were disappearing up the escalator. I had to follow. But questions kept firing in my brain. Who was she? Was she a nanny? What was she doing here? What prompted her to say she'd join me? Why did they take the time from their cell-phone-and electronic- gadget-centered world to ask to see my sign? Those questions will keep rebounding in my mind.

I hope I will see her again someday and many young Americans like her. The hope of America is young patriots who will fight to preserve the freedoms with which our founders blessed us . The message has to be, "Join us. It's your world that's at stake."

Wake up our sons and daughters!

This slight half child with the expressive brown eyes knows something that made those heartfelt words, "I would help you," pop out. She recognizes that, at the core of the human spirit, is a spark flickering that must be fanned by each generation to preserve our precious freedom.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

TEA Party Patriots Hit Congressional Offices

By 5th Estate Celt

March 16,2010, Washington, DC:
Hundreds of health care "reform" bill protestors attended what was called a "surge" against the ill-conceived unpopular "Obamacare" bill.

Following a pep rally at a small park, six of us from Maine and New Hampshire fanned out to go to congressional office buildings. Once, we mastered the confusing building directory, we visited the offices of our state reps. Four of our group met with Rep. Carol Shea-Porter and articulated their opposition to the bill. They spoke out about the mounting national debt and how this bill will inflate that terrible debt, making our children and theirs debt slaves. Further government control of the private sector and the unconstitutional tactics being considered to ram this faulty legislation through were other pointed they voiced.

Joining up with Ms. Don't Mess with Texas

While treading the corridors we met up with a Texas fireball, armed with a list of potential swing vote reps. We joined her patriot pack and hit numerous offices. Mostly, receptionists told us that aides were too busy to see us, as this was the time in Congress they call "March madness." We were mad alright, but not in the way they meant. They asked us to leave written comments. Writer's cramp soon set in, but we continued penning KILL THE BILL messages wherever we stopped including Speaker Pelosi's office.

Respect for the Patriot is Alive and Well Here

Charles "Chip" Gardiner, Jr. is a credit to the citizens of Minnesota. Chip, legislative director to Rep. James Oberstar, of Minnesota's 8th District, took time from a busy schedule to meet with us in a conference room. He offered us glasses of cold water and made us feel at home. And he listened attentively to we the people for over a half hour. He accorded us the respect granted to the soverign citizens of this country under the Constitution. He merits our profound appreciation. Please email him and thank him for graciously receiving 11 concerned and often animated patriots representing all of you in our nation's capital. (chip.gardiner@mail.house.gov)

TEA Party Attracts Notice of Japanese Educator

Around 5 p.m., as we headed to N.H. Senator Jeanne Shaheen's office, we were joined by a Japanese professor of interactive communications. Intrigued by the notion of we the people rising up to get big government out of their lives, he wanted to observe TEA Party patriots in action. Along the way, we passed Utah's Senator Orin Hatch being interviewed by Fox News. After the interview, Hatch spent some time with us. He was very cordial and urged us to keep up the good fight.

At Shaheen's office, a young aide was about to leave for the day. But she took about 10 minutes to speak with us. With the professor taking notes and observing, we made it clear that, outside the bubble that is Washington, DC, the people we interact with on a daily basis don't want this bill passed. Shaheen apparently feels that health care coverage is a right. We disagreed and called for free enterprise solutions, individual choice and responsibility. We also pushed for tort reform and selling insurance across state lines, among other practical measures that work within our open market system.


While we were visiting all offices, the phones were ringing off the hook. Weary aides were taking notes galore. Reportedly, call volume was so high that no one could phone out on land lines. Way to go, America. Keep up the pressure!