This letter from former N.H. senator Gordon Humphrey rings with truth!
Dear Friend,
Thank you for your principled opposition to the outrageous government take-over of our nation's entire health care system
You won.
You won the fight for the hearts and minds of the American people. But Congress cheated you of victory.
You won by fair methods -- logic and persuasion. But Congress cheated you of victory by shamelessness -- including bribery and lying.
So corrupted by power are the President, the Speaker and the Majority Leader, they determined to force the bill through Congress by any foul means and the American people be damned. They are determined to ram it down our throats, whether we like it or not.
What can we call a government that holds public opinion in utter contempt?
Unprincipled? Lawless? Immoral? Corrupt? Arrogant? Thuggish? Yes, these are the right words for Chicago-style gangsters in the Executive and the Congress. The right words, damning words, but not damning enough.
There is only one word damning enough to describe government that regards itself as master and the people mere servants.
That word is tyranny.
The President, Reid and Pelosi are tyrants. This is tyranny. They are tyrants.
Perhaps you are shocked that a former United States senator should speak out in this manner. I am shocked that it should be necessary. But this is a dangerous time, our freedoms are under powerful assault, and at such a time we must call things by their real names. Liars. Lying. Tyrants. Tyranny.
The Declaration of Independence establishes that "governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed."
We did not consent. The American people did not consent. In town meeting, after town meeting, we registered protest. In tidal waves of communications with Congress, we expressed opposition. Voters even used recent special elections to rebuke the President, as when the people of Massachusetts elected Scott Brown, whose principal plank was opposition to Obamacare. The polls show more Americans opposed than in support.
Did the President listen? No. Did Reid and Pelosi listen? No. Did they back off and present a set of reforms worthy of the American people and their love of freedom? No. Drunk with power, they contemptuously dismissed our concerns and crudely forced their will on the American people, treading with muddy boots upon our freedom.
Government that forces its will on the people because it cannot obtain their consent is tyranny. That was our complaint against King George. This is our complaint against King Barak and his royal agents in the White House and Congress.
The struggle has only begun.
In every lawful way, seize every opportunity to confront agents of the Obama Administration who set foot in New Hampshire between now and November. Likewise, persistently confront those members of Congress who voted for passage, wherever they appear publicly in our state. Vocally express your anger and indignation. Demand they vote for repeal. Demonstrate, picket, chant. Show them the contempt Congress so richly deserves.
We are not required to be respectful of those who tread upon our freedom. To be polite, deferential, submissive, supine, is to be unworthy of our heritage. Unworthy of the pain and sacrifce of all who struggled to win our freedom from tyranny-- and all those who guarded that precious birthright down through these many generations, in war and peace, through good times and bad.
Political turmoil in New Hampshire is widely reported. Let us use this prominence to maximum advantage. Unrest and protest here will put on notice every member of Congress from coast to coast. Repeal Obamacare or we'll repeal you in November. Tread on us and we'll tread on you.
This assault on our freedom cannot stand. The time has come for Americans to not only push back, but to shove back.
Sincerely yours,
Gordon Humphrey
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