Monday, March 22, 2010

"Save Our House --Not the White House"Signs of We the People at 3-20 Kill the Bill Rally

Signs seen at the March 20 protest rally in Washington, D.C:

Never has so much been taken from so few to accomplish so little.

Obama, you bit off more community than you can organize.

Don't worry ... hearing will be restored on election day 2010.

A government of laws and not of men.

Nancy, I deem my taxes paid.

Big government -- BIG mistake

We're not going away. You can't hide. Kill the Bill.

The difference between Obama and Osama is a little BS.

Don't slaughter me with Obamacare. I'm an endangered species. I pay my taxes.

My vote is not for sale.

Dear Congress. You think you are making history. We know you'll be history on Nov. 2, 2010.

Follow the rules. Just say NO.

"Astroturf" will overtake Washington weeds.

Where is our bribe?

Corrupt Due Process...JAIL.

Bye, Bye Miss American Pie ...Hello Socialism

Mr. Obama, tear down this bill.

Obama, take your flight and don't come back. We'll manage...

I want to be a doctor but not for the government.

Red, white and blue...Not SEIU

We ARE Listening. We still don't like it!

We don't want a nanny state.

Socialism is not an American value

Man is not free unless government is limited.

Russia called. They want their socialism back.

Slaughter is martial law.

Health care brought to you by the folks whorun DVM.

Believe in American greatness, not European socialism.

Don't smile and lie to us. Just kill the bill.

Big government -- BIG mistake.

The death tax is the same as graverobbing.

Congress, this is your last chance to do the right thing.

I was born in the USA, not the USSR.

Pelosi and Botox --Lying with a straight face.

If Obama screws up healthcare, where will Canadians go?

Never in US history, have so few taken so much and has so little cost so much.

3000% less government in all "57"states.

Communism failed, you morons.

Wake up, Congress. Revolution is brewing....

Citizen tsunami set to clean out Washington in 2010.

We need a leader, not a dictator.

Freedom is the best medicine.

Spend us out of bankruptcy?!! We've got to stop those Bozos.

I was blind, but now I see.

Kill Obamacare -- not Grandma.

Take force out of healthcare.

When government expands, liberty contracts. Back off creeps.

Got tar ... need feathers.

Give me liberty or give me debt.

Read our lips. Kill the bill.

Ask Maine about Dirigo Health?

Kill the bill. Send them packin.

Obamacare...Doctors can be penalized for referring to specialists.

I'm 14 and I can't afford the checks you're writing.

Save our house -- not the White House.

Kill the bill. Stop spending.

How many congressmen does it take to destroy the USA? A simple majority.

Don't be a Pelosi puppet. Speak for yourself.

Vote your conscience -- Not your caucus.

If you don't like the Constitution, find another country.

It's the process, stupid.

You work for us -- not Nancy.

"The strength of the Constitution lies in the will of the people to defend it."
-- Thomas Jefferson

1 comment:

  1. I am at my wits end.
    We have new neighbors. They moved in a couple of months ago. They have been wonderful. They even watch our young daughter once when we had an emergency.
    The problem is, we just found out that they are Obamacare supporters.
    Which means that, like Obama, they are out to destroy our country and to end freedom as we know it. Like all good Americans I fear they want to tear up the constitution and turn our country over to the government.
    I am not sure what to do at this point. I know I can’t turn them into the authorities. Many of them are lefties too.
    But I feel I should do something. If you have terrorist living next door you can’t just go about your business.
    And these people…They are out to end freedom as we know it. Just like terrorist!!
    Any suggestions?

    What should we do to our liberal Nazi neigbors who are out to destroy our constitution?

    Should they be allowed live in our neigborhoods and work in our cities, and teach in our schools?
    How can we keep this cancer from spreading and infecting our young children.

    Should we, like Rush suggested the other day...... “wipe them out!!”
